

my first entry... what's all the blog about?

Simply put, a blog is like a website maintained by an individual to record opinions, information, etc., on a regular basis. Blogging was a term I always heard but never cared to look into for myself. Wikipedia gives a better definition here.  "Posting" is what it's all about and I'm trying to get the hang of it. My good friend Katie has a delightful little blog called  Lola Inspired! that I follow religiously. I give her credit for prompting me to give it a go at this whole blogging thing.  I have so many interests and ideas that I want to share with the rest of the world that there could be no better place to start than here, with Hello Lover.

Hello Lover came to me when I was trying to decide on a title for my blog. I remember that episode of Sex and the City where Carrie was meeting Big for their last date before he moved away and as she was walking down the street, this FAB pair of designer shoes caught her eye. It was like she had been put under a spell, and I often times feel the same way about wonderful things that catch my eye.

Although I don't have a (collegiate) design background, I have dabbled in everything from interior design to event/wedding design to floral design to landscape design. I re-use, re-purpose, re-cycle EVERYTHING, which makes me a huge fan of DIY projects.

Through blogging, I hope to spread my seeds of creativity and knowledge, inspire those who claim to not have 'it', learn from those who do, and share my vision of all things ME with like-minded individuals.

I'm still working out all the kinks (fonts, graphics, color, layouts, etc.) This will be a piece of work-in-progress...much like myself. I'm already thinking of a name change. Stayed tuned for changes that are sure to come..

A bientot!