

it's almost time!...


This is the time of year when I start getting excited about the holidays and {duh} holiday décor.  This cycle usually begins sometime in September, after we’ve experienced out first ‘cool’ day of the season. Thoughts of devilish dining table displays and festive fall fireplaces set me into Martha-mode.  Ridiculous as it may seem to some, nothing makes me happier than having a decorated holiday home. 

October brings out my darker side, which has lead to arguments with Mr. V!ck about the possibility of Voodoo décor making our {positive, balanced} home susceptible to evil, negative energy. 

What do you expect? He believes in Aliens too…

OK, so no voodoo dolls or salt in the doorway.  Fine.  I’ll scratch the Voodoo idea…this year.

Instead I’ve taken Dr. Frankenstein as my inspiration this October.  
"The dissecting-room and the slaughter-house furnished many of my materials"  
(from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein) 

Take that and run with it!

My dining table will display a collection of bones, bugs, body parts, and whatever else  I can think of that WILL NOT conjure up evil spirits, for Mr. V!ck’s sake ;)

Here's a sneak peak:

It's a work-in-progess, but I promise it'll all be done in time for our Halloween Party! Stay tuned for more!

xoxo, Mrs. V!ck!

1 comment:

  1. Loving the inspiration and where you're going with your decor ideas!
