Well, being that it's a pricey piece of machinery, not to mention BIG, I needed to get myself a legit camera bag for its safe keeping. For months I sifted through numerous sites in search of the perfect bag. I had specifics for this camera bag:
1. It couldn't look like a camera bag
2. It should not cost more than $100
3. It had to double as a purse
Alas, I could not find anything that fit all 3 criteria. But what I did find was even better... While losing myself on Etsy.com [once again] I came across these custom made bag inserts. Awesome! Once I had found the perfect handbag [purchased from a local boutique], all I had to do was convo the Etsy seller with my desired dimensions and color of choice and BAM!
13" x 7" x 6"
with 6 pockets and a large center compartment
keeps all my lenses safe ;)
[$40 on etsy.com]
cutsie blue hang bag [$29.99]
also comes with long strap to wear across the body [optional]
[Charming Charlie's]
Put the insert into the bag [duh] and voila!
$70 total for a customized camera bag...
p.s. these inserts are perfect for fashioning a diaper bag too!
mama V!ck