Sorry's been a week and no new posts.
My apologies. I've been a little under the weather :(
And I've been a busy bee [not] painting and [not] helping with the master bath renovation... Doctor's orders
I will post some bath update photos soon... promise!!
Til then, have patience, and enjoy the rest of your week!!
Mrs. V!ck
just plain Peeved today!
Yes, it's turning out to be one of those days. Although it may seem petty to you, my head is about to explode!
First, I woke up freezing because Baton Rouge can't decide if it should be hot or cold mid-January. 70s yesterday and 40s this morning!
Not to mention, I have not been sleeping well.
My daily drive to work infuriates me! I've lived many places, and only have road rage in Baton Rouge. BR drivers are, hands down, the worst in the southern hemisphere. No blinkers. Talking/texting and not paying a-freaking-ttention to anything! Creeping in the passing lane... I could go on and on. And it's always the same damn people- I see it every day!
By this point, I am walking into the office....
Ants on the sugar container by the coffee...again. Trashcans are overflowing... again. Phones are ringing off the hook, and only 3 of the 8 people here are actually answering them. My superior(s) make(s) my skin crawl. As well as [their] pets, and I'm not talking about animals.
Have you ever walked passed a person's cubicle, picked up a hair/fuzz-ball off the floor, placed it on their desk and asked "is this yours?"
Bout to be a Code 51 UP IN HERE!
Lastly, the internet blackout is pissing me off!
Ahhhhhh......needed to vent. I feel much better now.
Hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday. We're half way through it people!! Whoop Whoop!
xoxo, Mrs. V!ck
First, I woke up freezing because Baton Rouge can't decide if it should be hot or cold mid-January. 70s yesterday and 40s this morning!
Not to mention, I have not been sleeping well.
My daily drive to work infuriates me! I've lived many places, and only have road rage in Baton Rouge. BR drivers are, hands down, the worst in the southern hemisphere. No blinkers. Talking/texting and not paying a-freaking-ttention to anything! Creeping in the passing lane... I could go on and on. And it's always the same damn people- I see it every day!
By this point, I am walking into the office....
Ants on the sugar container by the coffee...again. Trashcans are overflowing... again. Phones are ringing off the hook, and only 3 of the 8 people here are actually answering them. My superior(s) make(s) my skin crawl. As well as [their] pets, and I'm not talking about animals.
Have you ever walked passed a person's cubicle, picked up a hair/fuzz-ball off the floor, placed it on their desk and asked "is this yours?"
Bout to be a Code 51 UP IN HERE!
Lastly, the internet blackout is pissing me off!
Ahhhhhh......needed to vent. I feel much better now.
Hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday. We're half way through it people!! Whoop Whoop!
xoxo, Mrs. V!ck
Master Bath renovation...Part II
Here's something.....
Socks are IN! Check it!
{all photos via}
Like this look? Then try some of these:
{metallic ankle socks from forever21}
{these cuties can be found at topshop}
So, if you feel your widdle toes-ies getting cold, grab a pair!!
Mrs. V!cK
Master Bath Renov...Part I
We purchased our [fixer-upper] casa in march 2010. Wow!- almost 2 years already?!?
Since making the transition from renters to homeowners, we've had to come to grips with the reality that there is always something to take care of [which costs $$]. And, unfortunately, we can't call the landlord... that's US!
Luckily, we benefited from the first time home buyers tax refund, which meant $8,000 in our pocket. THANKS OBAMA! Had it not been for that $8k, all of our home renovations would be history. And I would still have lavender bedroom walls and navy formica [gag] counter tops.
Somehow, we managed to stretch that $$ and made improvements to almost every room in the house.
The last room we have left to tackle with major renovations is the master bath...and what a beauty it is [was]
I'll keep you posted on our progress!!
Mrs. V!ck
Since making the transition from renters to homeowners, we've had to come to grips with the reality that there is always something to take care of [which costs $$]. And, unfortunately, we can't call the landlord... that's US!
Luckily, we benefited from the first time home buyers tax refund, which meant $8,000 in our pocket. THANKS OBAMA! Had it not been for that $8k, all of our home renovations would be history. And I would still have lavender bedroom walls and navy formica [gag] counter tops.
Somehow, we managed to stretch that $$ and made improvements to almost every room in the house.
The last room we have left to tackle with major renovations is the master bath...and what a beauty it is [was]
[inspiration pics]
wood floors?
This is [almost exactly] it! Same vanity with wainscot walls.
What are your thoughts on the light blue walls?
All of these photos are via my Pinterest
I'll keep you posted on our progress!!
Mrs. V!ck
As we rolled through the first 2 days of the new year, I began thinking about resolutions. What are they? And are they really necessary? I mean, if you want to make a change in your life, just do it! Why wait til January 1st?
I [firmly] decided to quit smoking 2 weeks before Christmas, and I've been very successful! Although, I have replaced cigarettes with sweets and I can feel my ass and gut expanding. But, hey, one thing at a time :)
Mr. V!ck was supposed to quit as well- team effort!- let's just say, he's still working on it.
That was my only real resolution for 2012. That and the master bath renov. I should probably get back in shape, but I can imagine how crowded the Y will be for the next month or so. I'm not dealing with it. Stand in line for the Elliptical machine? Not this gal. I'll just wait untilpeople begin to lose focus of their New Year's goal the crowd lightens up before I consider going back to the Y...
Working out at the gym is not my resolution- remember, by definition, one has to firmly decide to do [or not do] something. I haven't done that. I hate the gym. I'm just thinking about it. My goal is to get in shape by summer, but that doesn't mean in the gym. I can do squats in my living room holding Stella if I want. ;-)
I also have a few goals for 2012:
I think that'll do for a while. I shouldn't overdo my lists-it will only end in disappointment, if so... lol.
Do you have any goals or resolutions for the new year? Or not? What are they? I'd love to hear from you!
xoxo, Mrs. V!ck
- resolution: a firm decision to do or not do something;
- goal: a desired result one plans to achieve within a finite time frame, or by a deadline
I [firmly] decided to quit smoking 2 weeks before Christmas, and I've been very successful! Although, I have replaced cigarettes with sweets and I can feel my ass and gut expanding. But, hey, one thing at a time :)
Mr. V!ck was supposed to quit as well- team effort!- let's just say, he's still working on it.
That was my only real resolution for 2012. That and the master bath renov. I should probably get back in shape, but I can imagine how crowded the Y will be for the next month or so. I'm not dealing with it. Stand in line for the Elliptical machine? Not this gal. I'll just wait until
Working out at the gym is not my resolution- remember, by definition, one has to firmly decide to do [or not do] something. I haven't done that. I hate the gym. I'm just thinking about it. My goal is to get in shape by summer, but that doesn't mean in the gym. I can do squats in my living room holding Stella if I want. ;-)
she weighs about 50 lbs. That should be a great workout!
Ha ha! Ok!
My realistic resolutions for 2012:
- master bath renovation- already underway [see here]
- somehow COMBINE the back room into a functioning home office/ guest room/ music room...
- repaint [current] guest room
I also have a few goals for 2012:
- organize the storage shed??
- get in shape??
I think that'll do for a while. I shouldn't overdo my lists-it will only end in disappointment, if so... lol.
Do you have any goals or resolutions for the new year? Or not? What are they? I'd love to hear from you!
xoxo, Mrs. V!ck
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